Divine Mercy Trumps Judgement – Acts of the Apostles Pt. 72
WEBCAST – In the crescendo of the Apostle Paul’s treatise on the Gospel in Romans Chapters 1-11 all people, being sinners by nature, are consigned to being disobedient to God. Therefore, all are under God’s judgement and wrath. However, divine mercy trumps judgement for all who place their trust in Jesus’ sacrifice for them. The […]
From Him, Through Him, and To Him – Acts of the Apostles Pt. 71
WEBCAST – When Jenny and I were young parents raising our small children were diligent to have them memorize the questions and answers in the The Shorter Catechism for Children. Here are the first three Q&A’s: 1. Q. Who made you? A. God 2. Q. What else did God make? A. God made all things […]
Religion Can Be Bad For You – Acts of the Apostles Pt. 70
WEBCAST – A Forbes Magazine study reported that religion is good for individuals and society. People who attend religious services weekly add seven years to their life expectancy, have stronger immune systems and lower blood pressure, as well as less depression and substance abuse. They graduate at higher rates than their non-religious peers. Society benefits […]
Bottom Line for Israel – Acts of the Apostles Pt. 69
WEBCAST – A Pew Research survey in September 2021 reported that 73% of Americans believe in heaven while 62% believe in hell. 39% of Americans believe that people who do NOT believe in God can go to heaven. Surprisingly, 34% of Protestants and 68% of Roman Catholics believe that people who do NOT believe in […]
Who Are God’s Chosen People? – Acts of the Apostles Pt. 68
WEBCAST – So, what about the Jewish people and the Isrealite nation? Are they God’s chosen people, or not? Are they in some sort of favored category apart from all other people? What is the bottom line for the Isrealites, now that Jesus has come? To complicate their condition even further, in the initial three […]