There seems to be a correlation between the current state of the Coronavirus infection and that of the presence, power and manifestation of sin in people’s lives. In recent months many people who test positive and are declared to be infected with the recent strain of the Coronavirus are “asymptomatic”. They have the virus within them but they do not display overt and debilitating symptoms compared to those infected with earlier strains of the virus.
Similarly, many people who have not trusted in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins and their acceptance by God can outwardly manifest very little signs or symptoms of being, in Biblical terms, “sinners”, “in the flesh”, or “having their mind set on the flesh”. These non-believers are infected with sin, but may appear to be “asymptomatic”. They are publicly good and moral people, and sometimes they may even appear to be comparatively better than most Christians!
The point of spiritual differentiation between believers and non-believers is more than profession of faith, it is the presence of the Holy Spirit within a person which gives them the supernatural ability to please God. It is the presence and power of the Holy Spirit that enables born again women and men to defeat temptation and grow progressively in both inner and outer holiness and sanctification. Over time, the Holy Spirit within them changes them from whatever they were before they trusted Christ to a person whose inner attitudes and outer behaviors are increasingly aligned with God’s will. True believers are always “symptomatic”.